Show notes from ACprimetime news update. King Arthur Radio Show and Podcast. WIBG. 1020am. Feb 10, 2018.
Gilliams Island parody. Gilliam in Vegas to study weed.
Atlantic City Crime. Recent stabbing on Tennessee Ave.
10K Frank. Kudos to AC Mayor Frank Gilliam.
On Monday night at the IRISH PUB, Gilliam entered the lions cage and faced his accusers. The DEM committee wanted to know how he intercepted a 10K check from the Atlantic County DEMS, that was supposed to go to Atlantic City DEMS….and NOT to Frank’s personal campaign acct.
Wow. An event not to be missed. Everybody was there. Council president Marty Small, Councilman Kool Mo Dee, better known as Mo Delgado, Jeff Fauntleroy too. Plenty of media, but the Press of AC, and other local media did NOT report on the substantial in-fighting between the DEMS of the City and the County.
The Press of AC ignored the major head line: Gilliam called the County a LIAR.
Did Big Frank use Mr Jeff Fauntleroy as an enforcer? That’s what Craig Callaway says, according to a recent radio interview. Big Frank’s campaign manager Richard Winstead was there too. Pointing fingers at 2 of the County DEMS, who were also in attendance.
Gilliam called Mike Suliman a liar. More than once. Says County is just dividing the city against itself. Accusations of the race card being played? Maybe. Gilliam & Winstead did their best to defend against these very disturbing accusations. We think many are too afraid to go up against Big Frank. The ‘No Snitching Allowed’ rule needs to be thrown out said those in attendance.
Stockton HATE Day. Social Warrior Training.
Student Indoctrination is what some are calling this full day of HATE at Stockton University. Social Justice Warriors. Easily offended. Triggered. Snowflakes. The oppressed. A victim mentality.
Citizen Seth Grossman called out Stockton University President Harvey Kesselman and his “United Against Hate Day” event this week, claiming this event only teaches students to Hate America, Whites, Jews, Men, and anyone with a different opinion on things.
It should be noted that the historic appearance by US Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was a private, event that was supposedly NOT recorded. Not even a transcript was released. We can only assume that this would only upset the snowflakes and easily triggered media and student body.
Early indications suggest that parents footing the bill for their kids to go to college, are thinking twice…before sending their kids to the AC campus of Stockton.
Safety concerns. Will their kids ever get a real well-paid job after graduating with a degree in gender studies and social work?
A program schedule that would make Saul Alinsky proud. Rules for Radicals. Divide & conquer. Pit people against each other.
Ultra Credit offered for all sessions.
· Safe Zone Workshop
· Cultural Humility
· Hate Speech in the Classroom
· Understanding Activism and Your Role
· Propaganda, Hate Speech, and Fake News in History
· Take a Stand against Bullying
· Then and Now: Southern Poverty Law Center
· National Anthem Protests and Freedom of Expression
· Microaggression, Bias and Prejudice: Ways to Respond
· Institutional Misogyny and Sexual Terrorism
When Cat is away…Mice will play. Land use rules / Zoning rules
Ocean City is under scrutiny. So is AC. Margate. Ventnor. And especially Brigantine. With the # of qualified voters declining, and 2nd home owners increasing, there are allegations of smaller & smaller group of people, making decisions for the rest of taxpayers.
On average, 75% of Jersey Shore taxpayers are part time residents. That means, 75% of Jersey Shore taxpayers don’t vote. Even though there are situations where they could… if they wanted to.