Atlantic City Mayor Claims Callaway Cheats, Switches & Pays for Votes

Hurley Callaway Marty LaQuetta Small

Did Mayor Marty Small admit there’s voter fraud in Atlantic City? Sounds like it.

Small lashed out and ramped up the racist rhetoric on WPG Radio, on Mar 3, 2021. Mayor Small told radio host Harry Hurley: ‘Craig Callaway cheats and switches votes’.

Marty Small, Hurley. 3.3.21

Small:  He (Callaway) has a group of people he can pay them for their vote. People should not be selling their vote.

Craig Callaway is known as a ‘ballot harvester’.

In the past, Small and Callaway have been indicted on multiple occasions for voting scams.

Small: Callaway always focused on other people success. DEVILS AGENDA. No way we gonna allow you to cheat. Switch vote. Destroy this community.

Small is visibly stressed. He’s feeling the heat. Getting fact checked. It’s ugly for Team Small. Getting backed into a corner. Doesn’t like anyone asking about his, and his wife’s qualifications.

Marty Small catching flack for mis-steps he made in handling the Summer 2020 BLM riots and current pandemic efforts.

Small claims opponent Tom Foley was seen wearing a MAGA hat and had an American Flag in his front yard. Small, like his Chief of Staff Ernest Coursey, sees stuff like that as racist.

Marty Small says: Craig Callaway doesn’t like successful African Americans

Small claims: Cheating. Mysteriously, Republicans were voted for. People paid. Alot of switcheroos.

During the radio appearance, Mayor Marty Small viciously attacked Hispanic Mo Delgado, who’s running for another council seat term. Neighbors say Small often resorts to hateful and bigoted attacks on Hispanics, Asians, Whites and Bangladeshis. He does this to sway votes and create division within voter ranks.

Host Hurley avoided the elephant in the room. How did Mayor Small’s wife, AC school principal LaQuetta Small, allow a child predator to roam, for years, within the Atlantic City School District?

Council President George Tibbitt is mutual friend of both Hurley and Small. Both receive favorable coverage from Hurley.

Rising crime. Lost jobs. Homeless. Drugs everywhere. Dark streets. Small scrambling to control the narrative.

Even with LaQuetta Small’s ugly connection to the child sex abuse scandal within the AC school district, Hurley openly supports Ms. LaQuetta Small for AC Superintendent of Schools.

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