Atlantic City Welcomes Those Recently Released From Prison

The City Council of Atlantic City passed an ordinance on Wed Nov 15, that some say would just make it easier for ex-cons to live inside the Atlantic City Tourism District.

Passed easily by 8-1 vote, the ordinance would remove barriers to stable housing and would promote successful reintegration of formerly incarcerated and criminally convicted persons into Atlantic City.

Councilman Jesse Kurtz was the lone NO vote.

Atlantic City Welcomes Those Recently Released From Prison

Radio talks shows had many angry callers. Comments heard on WOND Radio: why make it easy for ex-cons to move to Atlantic City? There’s 55 rooming houses in AC. Many have 18 per house. Each parolee gets an $800 monthly subsidy from the State that goes to the landlord.

Criminals lurking in the shadows. Why not light up the streets?

Street lighting in Atlantic City is still bad and is getting worse. No one disagrees with that. Many streets have broken or no street lights. Many parts of the AC tourism district are dark & shadow filled. Some streets are just a block from the Boardwalk.

Some parts of Atlantic City are worse than others. Tennessee Ave is where needle exchanges, boarding rooms and drug rehabs thrive.

CRDA wants to buy the former Ginsburg bakery property. City Council is opposed to that, due to potential loss of tax ratables. CRDA typically land banks and pays no taxes to AC.

CRDA = Cant Really Do Anything