Watch shocking video from Atlantic City School Board meeting of OCT 26, 2021.
Ventnor Mayor Beth Holtzman was thrilled to hear that LaQuetta Small will be the next Atlantic City School District superintendent. So much so, Holtzman attended Tuesday night’s AC School board meeting to publicly endorse Small.
Ventnor is a sending district. 191 Ventnor students attend ACHS at an annual taxpayer cost of $4 million.
LaQuetta Small will become superintendent of AC School district on Jan. 1, 2022 with an annual salary of $210,000.
During public comment, Community activist Craig Callaway, discussed LaQuetta Small’s cousin, Kayan Frazier.
“Majority of the AC School Board are immoral people,” Craig Callaway said.
“Instead of protecting the children, La’Quetta Small was a child molester protector.”
LaQuetta Small is one of many being sued by the assaulted child’s mother, who claims the Smalls knew about Frazier and that some of the assaults even happened in their home.
Small’s cousin, Kayan Frazier, is the convicted child pornographer who worked at Pennsylvania Ave School when Small was principal of that school.
Frazier met his victim — a third-grader — while working with Small at the school. That’s according to
LaQuetta Small is the wife of Atlantic City Mayor, Marty Small.
Joe Jacobs. Conflict of interest?
- Jacobs once served as AC School Board solicitor.
- Jacobs is brother-in-law of current Superintendent Barry Caldwell.
- Joe Jacobs was counsel for law firm of current solicitor, Tracy Riley.