When Atlantic City news from WMGM TV-40 was shuttered last year, it marked another bye-bye of a golden era gone by. The culprit? A digital world of unlimited news & info. No wonder that traditional use of TV, Radio and Newspaper continues it’s slow decline. Less audience means less advertiser interest.
But hold on there, bubby. Yes, old school broadcast & print are no longer king of the media hill. But there’s still a growing & insatiable thirst for local news and info-tainment from Atlantic City.
Hello Inter-Webs.
Filling the info void for a new Atlantic City is a fresh group of digital media wizards. These boot strappin’ entrepreneurs leverage websites, social media, eMail, pod-casting, mobile apps, and online video.
Digital media projects from THIS IS AC, Impactivate Media, DownbeachBUZZ, ACtimes, SNJ Today, ACprimetime.com and others, continue to grow audience and regional impact.
These online platforms are best suited for reaching Atlantic City’s prime customer: those who don’t live here…but are likely to visit often.
Some digital pioneers work solo on a shoe string budget. Most work their online magic from a kitchen table, basement or garage.
Recently, a more robust effort has emerged from inside the Boardwalk pier in front of Caesars Hotel Casino. A digital start-up called Triax-57 has officially launched. This production/news/multi-media operation from John Heinz occupies a spacious set of rooms that once housed a retail store.
Triax is now offering a wide array of video production services, in addition to on-demand video & live streaming of TV-style programming.
On Jan. 28, the team behind ‘Atlantic City Fashion Week’ spent the day shooting a variety of fashion & life-style segments at Triax. It was truly a professional sight to see. It reminded us of an Atlantic City version of QVC. Very well done.
SEE PICS from the shoot >
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