South Jersey Democrat Korngut Slammed by Far-Left Radio Host.

Radio Host Slams Local Candidate, Susan Korngut

The left is eating itself. South Jersey Democrats are in damage control. Scrambling after a series of incidents that could expose a growing divide within the party.

Radio talk show host and Social Justice Warrior Cronick attacked candidate Korngut on his afternoon, WOND 1400am program.

Cronick, a local food writer, reported that Susan Korngut, the challenger to County Exec Denny Levinson, is down 18 points in the polls. As a journalist for the Press of Atlantic City, Cronick was widely criticized for the unsubstantiated claim. Unnamed sources within the Atlantic County Democrat organization not happy with the veteran food critic venturing into politics.

Jeff Van Drew seems to be on Fox News all the time. Says he hasn’t seen evidence of any truly impeachable offense. Van Drew says the Democrats need to focus on getting things done.

Van Drew is member of the moderate Blue Dog Democrats. An example of respectful disagreement in a sea of AOC’s, left wing media and fake news pundits.

Van Drew says there’s no clear evidence that President Trump committed an impeachable offense.

Local SJW’s rattled. Especially Atlantic County Democrats lead by Michael Suleiman.

  • Some Democrats want a primary challenge to Van Drew in 2020.
  • Suleiman supports long-shot impeachment efforts.
  • Allows County Exec candidate (Korngut) to accuse opponents of systemic racism.
  • Looks the other way as AC Council President Marty Small plays the race card every chance he can, even as Atlantic City sinks deeper into a hole.
  • Suleiman ignores irony of virtually all-white CRDA. 17 board members. Just one person of color. Only 2 of 17 live in Atlantic City.
  • Mr. Suleiman ignoring calls for outing Stockton University’s, slave-owning founder? This is called a ‘double standard’.

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