Stockton Wants Bader, Stadium & Rink for Atlantic City Expansion?

Will Stockton University expand it’s Atlantic City footprint? Bader Field might be in their sights. We like that idea. But does the State of New Jersey?

If Stockton University were to acquire parts of Bader Field, it would fit nicely with their new campus, under construction and scheduled to open in the Fall of 018.

President Harvey Kesselman envisions the former airport on Albany Ave / Rte 40, as a marine sciences and coastal resiliency test facility. 

The old Bader Field airport  in Atlantic City is considered a prime redevelopment site. It was opened in 1910 and was authorized to provide passenger service in 1911. It was the first U.S. municipal airport with facilities for both seaplanes and land-based airplanes.

Rumor Mill: Stockton President Kesselman and Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian may have chatted about buying portions of Bader. No one is admitting to that, though. Even so, Kesselman will ultimately need the blessing of the State, not Don Guardian, to make that Stockton / Bader dream, a reality. If you recall, the Mayor’s ill-advised endorsement of the MUA buying Bader a few months ago, was quickly smacked down by the State, who manages major financial transactions such as these.

The vacant Sandcastle baseball stadium site might also be of interest to Stockton. That makes sense. And the ice skating rink right next door could be a nice compliment to the possible Stockton expansion. The CRDA; Casino Reinvestment Development Authority owns both the stadium and the ice rink. For all intents and purposes, the CRDA = State of NJ.