Atlantic City Rescue Plan on Verge of Signature?

Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo says the Atlantic City rescue compromise is really nothing to celebrate too much about. Mazzeo says it’s just the next, critical step in AC’s re-invention.

If passed and ultimatley signed by Governor Christie, the new bill would give Atlantic City 150 days to get it’s act together. In exchange for the cash, City Hall will get a bridge loan that provides breathing room while they decide who and what to cut. Note: not an easy thing to do if you’re on the campaign trail looking for votes.

Is Atlantic City leadership just kicking the can down the road? Delaying the inevitable?

If Atlantic City can’t get the job done in 150 days, the state will takeover as per Senator Sweeney’s original recommendation. Atlantic City Councilman, Frank Gilliam had recently shared his reluctant decision to support the takeover. Gilliam was initially opposed, but later felt it was the tough love the City needed to bounce back sooner than later.

FYI: Atlantic City Councilman Frank Gilliam Looking to Run for Mayor in 2017

The full Senate and Assembly are expected to vote on this bill on Thursday, May 26.

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