Atlantic City to Vote on Uber, Jitneys, Trams & Other Transportation Rules

Uber allows users to summon taxi-like services on their smartphones.

Atlantic City is gearing up for a fresh, new set of transportation rules. New ordinances will be discussed on June 16: new rules for taxis, limos, jitneys…even UBER.

Other ordinances dealing with trams and rolling chairs will also be on the table. The public meeting will take place at 12 noon, June 16 in City Council chambers.

Some of the proposed ordinances:

  • Taxi, limousine, and jitney drivers must pass criminal and drug background tests.
  • Taxis and limousines must install credit and debit card readers.
  • Taxis to be inspected four times a year for cleanliness and other standards.
  • Taxis to be allowed to pick up passengers waiting at jitney stops who flag them down.
  • Limos cannot respond to hails.

Atlantic City, as well as Ventnor, are seeing growth of competitors like Uber. City wants Uber drivers to follow same rules as others.

Class II police officers will be trained to spot violators. .