Van Drew Wants Election Reform Following Chaotic Vote By Mail.

Look for Congressman Jeff Van Drew to push for election reform. “We need a new election system,” Van Drew said on a recent TV interview.

‘A mostly-paper ballot system in a national election with hundreds of millions of votes cast makes no sense. I feel like I’ve gone back to the 1900’s,’ Van Drew said. ‘We can decode DNA, we are going to put people on Mars and the Moon, but we can’t have an election system that works accurately, quickly and electronically? That’s nonsense.’

Van Drew handily defeated Brigantine’s Amy Kennedy for the New Jersey 2nd District Congressional seat.

“I think the president broke everything open,” Van Drew said. It’s like the saying, ‘ripping the band aid off’ — He did that, showed the seamy side of politics, and how politics could be better” by working for the average person.

‘We have got to have government that works for them. Don’t just keep increasing taxes, pushing for more and more programs that don’t in the end help anybody but the bureaucrats.’