The next Atlantic City Zoning Board hearing to consider Hansen House drug rehab expansion is Tuesday, July 27, 10a. via Zoom.
Concerned members of the Atlantic City community are encouraged to participate. You can submit questions via email to prior to the meeting.
Neighbors says Hansen House, the Sober Living operation, is attempting to expand their presence. It could cause damage to the character of this Lower Chelsea neighborhood. Many believe it would be a substantial detriment to the public good.
Hansen Corporation’s proposed variance would substantially impair the intent and purpose of the zoning plan and ordinance.
The Hansen property on Tallahassee Ave is a single-family home in a residential neighborhood. Hansen claims it’s not a rooming house. The neighborhood is not zoned for a rooming house. Other concerns:
- Hansen claiming their residents are a ‘family’ so they can cram more non-related people into one house.
- How much can Hansen collect by putting more people into a single-family home?
- How many families do you know who have 10+ adults living in one home?
- If each resident owns a vehicle – where do those 10 vehicles park?
Neighbors point out that the Hansen Corporation bought this property and decided to create additional living space without getting mandated construction permits.
Hansen Sober-Living moved their tenants in without a certificate of occupancy.
Neighbors point out that Atlantic City is not an ideal atmosphere for recovery due to nearby 24-hour access to alcohol, illegal drugs and other vices.
Ideal surroundings that are optimal for recovery success should guide location decisions, not maximizing profits.
Share this public meeting information with your neighbors.
AC Councilman Jesse Kurtz
Meeting ID – 878 4064 0557
Passcode – 241930
Zoom URL –
One tap mobile : +13017158592,,87840640557#
Via telephone – 1 301 715 8592 (enter meeting ID and passcode)