Did Mayor Guardian Use Callaway Election Services in Atlantic City? Voter Fraud?

callaway hurley wpg election ballots
Callaway Chaos

Did Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian ever engage the controversial ‘voter’ services of those infamous Callaway boys? Guardian says no. Others say yes.

Is there voter fraud in Atlantic City? Who’s paying for the so-called Callaway ‘service’?

Press of Atlantic City: So far for this election, the Clerk’s Office says there have been more than 2,500 vote-by-mail applications for Atlantic City, with over 950 of them messenger ballots. Registered voters can designate a messenger to deliver a ballot for them, and a messenger can deliver vote-by-mail applications for up to three people. The ballots are sealed when given to the messenger, who then should deliver them to the voter to fill out.

Guardian, fearful of not winning a 2nd term as Mayor of Atlantic City, is going after Board of Elections. Is Don Guardian trying to violate the law and discriminate against minority communities. Some accuse the Mayor of that?

Dirty Votes in Atlantic City.

Intelligent, sophisticated, good looking….and snappy dressers too. Their alleged ‘messenger ballot service’ in Atlantic City seems to be always in big demand.

Could / did Mayor Don Guardian and Frank Gilliam benefit from the Callaway crew election services?


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